To find job listings based on your employment history, desired occupation, or associated job skills in NCWorks Online, please follow the below steps:
1. Go to
2. Click Job Seekers on the NCWorks Online homepage.
3. From the Quick Menu, click Job Search.
4. To change the geographical search area from what was previously used, click the Area name to select a new search area.
5. Select one of the following search methods by clicking on the tab title:
- Quick – Select any combination of criteria. To search for a specific job order, enter the Job Number in the Keywords section.
- Advanced – Select any combination of criteria.
- Intelligent – Choose from three different pre-set job searches that use your profile information and jobs that other similar seekers have searched or applied for.
- Employer – Select job sources and choose an employer search method.
- Education – Select job sources and choose an educational program and level; good for recent grads with little to no relevant work experience.
- Skills – Select job sources, then choose a match ratio (70%, 50%, 25%) for desired skill sets from your self-assessments: job, tools and technology, workplace WorkKeys® (if applicable), personal, interests, and work values.
- Résumé – Select one of your résumés to search for jobs that fit the skills and other criteria included in it.
6. Click Search.
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